Corn Mirchi Vada


  • Chilli pepper : 5 nos
  • For stuffing :
  • Boiled Potato : 2 nos
  • Corn kernals : 150 gms
  • Lemon juice : 1.5tsp
  • Ginger : 1/2 tsp
  • Mint leaves : 8 nos
  • Cumin seeds : 1/4 tsp
  • Sugar : 1/2 tsp
  • Salt : 1tsp
  • Batter :
  • Corn flour : 2tbsp
  • Gram flour : 1.5 cup
  • Salt : 1/2 tsp
  • Chilli powder : 1tsp
  • Asafoetida : 1/4 tsp
  • Soda bi carb : a Pinch
  • Refined oil : 2tsp
  • Oil : 1tsp


    Boil Corn kernals and crush it coarsely in the mixer . Wash and slit big Chilli pepper and remove the seeds. If its very hot then blanch in hot water for approx. 2-3 minutes, then drain and keep it aside. Heat oil in a pan and add cumin seeds ,when it start crackling add ginger and turmeric. Now add crushed corn and saute it  for 1 minute. Add mashed potato, Salt, Sugar and chopped mint leaves. Saute for a minute and add lemon juice and take out in a bowl then let it cool down completely. Stuff these mixture in the chillies and press tightly with your thumb and slice to make it small pieces. To make a medium thick batter, Mix gram flour and corn flour in a big bowl add salt , Chilli powder and asafoetida and water then mix it well. Add soda bi carb on top of the batter and pour 1 tsp hot oil over it and mix again. Heat oil in a pan then dip chilli pieces in the batter and deep fry on medium heat till it turns golden colour. Serve hot, Better to serve it with Chutney or pickle.


    Chicken Cheese Balls are a great twist in traditional chicken balls recipes. This is a great addition to an appetizer and can be served with any favorite dip.


    • Chicken mince ½ kg
    • Egg 1
    • Mozzarella cheese 1 cup
    • Spring onions 250 gm (chopped)
    • Ginger paste 1 tsp
    • Red chili powder 1 tsp
    • Soya sauce 1 tbsp
    • Corn flour 1 tbsp
    • Garlic 2 tsp (minced)
    • Salt ½ tsp
    • Parsley 2 tbsp (chopped)
    • Oil 4 tbsp
    • Oil for frying

    Cooking Directions

    1. Mix mozzarella cheese in chicken mince along with ginger paste, soya sauce, corn flour, salt, chopped parsley, chopped spring onions, red chili powder, minced garlic and oil.
    2. Shape the mixture into medium sized balls and dip in a beaten egg.
    3. Heat oil in a wok and deep fry until golden brown.

    pizza paratha



      ·         1 tsp oil
      ·         1 tsp finely chopped onion
      ·         1 tsp finely chopped garlic
      ·         2 tbsp finely chopped capsicum
      ·         2 tsp finely chopped tomato
      ·         2 tsp corn kernels
      ·         2 tsp chopped mushrooms
      ·         ½ tsp finely chopped green chillies
      ·         salt to taste
      ·         ½ tsp black pepper
      ·         2 - 3 tbsp tomato puree
      ·         1-2 parantha, pre cooked
      ·         grated cheese


      1.   Heat oil in a pan.
      2.  Put chopped onion, garlic, capsicum, tomato, corn kernels, mushrooms and finely chopped green chillies in it.
      3.  Sauté the ingredients well.
      4.  After a few minutes, add salt, black pepper and tomato puree. Mix well.
      5.  Add oil in another pan and heat a pre cooked parantha on both sides.
      6.  Put the vegetable mixture and grated cheese on it.
      7.  Let it cook on a slow flame for 3 – 4 mins till it turns crispy and the grated cheese melts.

      NOTE- The topping in the picture is different from the recipe. Topping can be chosen according to choice and taste.




    It’s seems counter-intuitive, that eating more often would help you lose weight, but it’s true for two reasons. First, if you’re eating smaller meals more often, you won’t be hungry, which means you won’t be as tempted to binge on less-than-healthy foods or to stuff yourself at your next meal. Second, eating more often keeps your metabolism chugging away in high gear, which means your body will burn more calories more efficiently, even when you’re at rest.


    People who drink diet soda are actually more likely to GAIN weight, than dieters who don’t drink soda at all. Diet soda is marketed as a smart choice for dieters, but it’s been proven to sabotage your diet, which makes you diet longer, which means you buy more diet soda… it’s a vicious circle! That’s why this tip is the top of my list of weight loss hacks. Avoid diet soda as much as you avoid regular soda, and you’re much more likely to lose weight.


    This is what makes the “no carb” diets so ridiculous: fiber is a carb, and fiber is also a dieter’s best friend. That’s why this weight loss hack is kind of a secret. But getting your recommended fill-up of fiber (about 25 grams per day) will help you lose weight, because it will keep you feeling fuller, longer, and it will keep your digestive system working properly. No carbs… ha! That’s so silly!


    Here’s a good rule of thumb: the more colorful your meal, the healthier it probably is. A colorful meal is healthy, since it’s probably loaded with rainbow-hues of fruits and veggies, from bold red tomatoes to deep purple eggplants and leafy greens in between.


    If you have a tendency to overeat, try this simple but effective weight loss hack: eat off smaller plates. I’m serious! This will trick your brain and tummy into thinking your portions are bigger, even if they’re actually smaller than the ones you’ve eaten on your larger plates.


    Did you know it takes your body about ten minutes to register the fact that you’re full? That’s why you ought to eat slowly, savoring each bite, putting your fork down between bites while you chew. Eating slowly and taking small breaks between bites gives your brain time to realize your body is full.


    One of the most common symptoms of dehydration is… hunger! So often, when you’re feeling peckish, you might actually be thirsty, not hungry. So before you grab a snack (even a healthy snack!), try sipping a little water first, to see if that satisfies you. Keeping well-hydrated can help with weight loss, too, by keeping your digestive system functioning properly.

    8. ADD A WORkout

    A girl can’t lose weight by dieting alone. Well, she COULD, but then she’d be the skinniest flabby girl ever, and who wants that? Adding a workout plan to your healthy diet plan will help you lose weight faster, and keep it off. Don’t be the skinny flabby girl; be the toned, fit girl!


    Your body composition is determined by genetics and general physical activity. If you feel you have too much arm flab, you can aim to lose total body weight and build muscles in your arms. Strength training with low weights, body weight exercises and cardiovascular fat burning can help you get skinny arms

    Part 1 of 4: Interval Training

    Do fat-burning cardiovascular exercise 4 to 5 days per week. The best way to start getting skinny arms is to lose total body fat.

    Do at least 30 minutes of cardio at one time. For people who are trying to lose a lot of body fat, this should be 45 to 60 minutes at a time.

    Adopt an interval training routine. In this routine, you should be working out at medium-intensity with short bursts of high-intensity training.
    • If you are not ready to learn a new interval training routine, choose an interval program on your elliptical, treadmill, stair stepper or bike. You can also incorporate 1 minute sprints into swimming and running workouts.

    Part 2 of 4: Body Weight Exercises

    Consider doing body weight exercises that tone and burn fat at the same time. Intervals with dynamic exercises that work your entire body can reduce inches on arms, waist, hips, legs and more. The following are good exercises to do in intervals of 1 to 2 minutes with 15 to 30 seconds of rest in between.
    • Jump rope. High impact exercise like jumping and using your arms to turn the jump rope mean that this exercise burns a large amount of fat. Start with 20 seconds and work your way up to 1 minute or more. Rest and repeat 3 times.
    • Do burpees. Stand with your arms high in the air. Place your arms by your feet and jump back into a plank position. Jump back to a squat and stand, raising your arms. Do this for 30 seconds, rest and repeat 3 times. For added benefit, do a push up when you land in the plank position.
    • Do jumping jacks. Reach arms and legs wide for 1 minute. Rest and repeat 1 to 2 sets. Limit your resting period for even more burning potential.

    Do mountain climbers. Get in a plank position and run your legs toward your chest.

    Part 3 of 4: Strength Training

    Sign up for intro to weight lifting classes, personal trainer sessions or group fitness classes that include work with weight machines or free weights.
    • Learning proper form is essential to lifting weights without hurting your back.

    Do at least 30 minutes of arm-focused weight lifting every other day.Dedication to lifting will speed up your metabolism, burn more fat and build muscles.

    Choose your stance for free weights by how advanced your workout should be. The following are good choices, from beginner to advanced.
    • Do many of the exercises with your back flat on the floor and your knees up. Most bicep, tricep, shoulder and chest weight lifting can be adjusted for the lowest impact while laying down. If you have back or joint problems, you will want to use weights at this level.
    • Sit on an exercise ball while you lift weights. An exercise ball requires you to do "active sitting" and engage your core, burning more fat.
    • Do weight lifting standing up with your legs hip width apart. Put a little bend in your knees to cushion your joints. Keeping your body standing in good form will work your legs, core and upper body. Better yet, take a squat or lunge position to burn more fat as you lift.
    • Stand on your tip toes in first position. Put your feet together. Turn them at the hip, so that your heels are together and your toes are apart. Then, raise up on your toes and walk your heels together. Lift weights while trying to hold this stance. Take an even more advanced position by holding the pose as you do bicep curls.
    Part 4 of 4: Muscle Targeting

    Work your biceps. This is the 2-part muscle at the top of your upper arm. Start with 4 to 5 lb. (1.8 to 2.2 kg) weights and work up to an amount that triggers muscle fatigue in 2 to 3 sets of 10 repetitions.
    • Do 10-10-10s. In this exercise, you do bicep curls with your palms facing up, facing sideways and at a 45 degree angle. Do not stop for long in between sets.
    • Do bicep curls halfway up and halfway down, with 10 repetitions each. Start at the bottom and go halfway up for 10, then start at the top and go halfway down for 10. This will improve your short muscle fibers.
    • Do push ups. Place your hands a little further than shoulder width across. Do 10 slow as far down as you can go, then do 10 fast going halfway down.
    • Grab your free weights. Place your hand by your shoulders. Punch up in the air, alternating hands, and keeping your body from rocking back and forth. Do this for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Repeat by punch forward, straight out from your shoulders.

    Work on your triceps. This 3-part muscle at the back of your upper arm. The following are good exercises to try.
    • Do tricep push ups. Place your arms so they are just below your shoulders. As you lower yourself down in plank position, try to graze the back of your arms with the sides of your chest. Do 10 slow, and as far down as you can go. Do 10 quick, moving half way down.
    • Try tricep dips. Find a bench. Place your hands on the bench with your legs bent in front of you. Lift your hips up off the bench. Drop your body down off the bench and lift it back up using your arm muscle. Do 2 to 3 sets of 10 repetitions. Alternate lifting 1 leg and keeping your hips straight, for a more advanced move.
    • Do 10-10-10 tricep extensions. Go into a lunge position. Place your hands by your sides while holding weights. Lift them backward. Do 10 lifts. Then hold them back as far as you can go and press them inward toward each other. Keep your elbows back and up as far as they can go and bring your lower arms forward to meet your biceps. Push back.

    Exercise your shoulders. These important arm muscles are often overlooked. Try these exercises.
    • Hold weights and reach your arms straight in front of you. Turn your arms like you are opening a door knob. Repeat 10 to 20 times slowly.
    • Do flys. Stand with feet hip width apart. Go into a squat. Bring your weights to meet in front, then lift them back, as if you are trying to touch your shoulder blades together. Return and repeat 10 times. Change your hands so that they turn down, instead of toward each other, and repeat 10 times. Do 2 sets of each.

    Work your chest. Doing plenty of push ups and planks can do wonders for the area near your underarms next to your chest. For an added boost, use chest press machines.


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