13 Simple Food Swaps That Could Change Your Life

This list makes it almost too easy for you to get healthier!

Whole grains for white, quality for quantity, just one smart swap can pave the way to a healthier and happier life. So we decided to go all out and provide 13 "this for that's." Now there are no excuses when it comes to making healthier food choices!
1. Cook instead of eating out. Even if you try to eat healthy at a restaurant, that pesky bread bowl or sneaky salad may pack more calories than you planned for. Trust your inner Top Chef skills, and turn on the (skillet) heat. Cooking at home will more likely result in a healthier meal, not to mention a happier wallet.
2. Eat whole fruit instead of drinking fruit juice. A glass of O.J. contains very little of the pulp or skin from an orange—and none of the fiber content. Skip the glass, and go with the whole piece of fruit to reap the full nutritional benefits of this sweet, healthy snack (and save some calories while you’re at it).
3. Pan-fry food instead of deep-frying it. Obvious news flash: Deep-fried food is unhealthy. Keep things crispy by pan-frying lean protein or veggies in the skillet with some cooking oil. We promise it'll be just as tasty!
4. Buy local produce instead of supermarket veggies. Take a trip to the farmer's market instead of Walmart's produce aisle. According to the USDA, locally produced fruits and veggies that are in-season may be more nutritious. And it supports local farmers, too!
5. Choose brown rice over white. White rice is stripped of many essential nutrients (like fiber).
6. Pack a lunch instead of eating out. Bonus: That vending machine will look far less appetizing after you eat the meal you pack.
7. Eat at least three times a day instead of skipping meals. When you don't make the time to squeeze in a midday meal, you end up feeling tired and grouchy—and you set yourself up for overeating later.
8. Chew slowly instead of quickly. What's the rush? Studies show people who eat faster consume more calories.
9. Eat at the table instead of in front of the TV. Dining in front of the television can lead to serious overeating.
10. Eat breakfast instead of sleeping in. It may be temping to hit the snooze button more than once in the morning, but allow some time for breakfast—it may help jumpstart your metabolism and wake you up before you head to work.
11. Order black coffee instead of a latte. If that caffeine fix is calling, order a simple black coffee. A soy-mocha-extra-shot-frappuccino extravaganza isn't worth the calories (or cash).
12. Use a medium plate instead of a large one. Smaller plates (about eight to 10 inches in diameter) can save you more than 20 percent of the calories you'd eat in a larger-plate-sized serving.
13. Nap instead of sipping on an energy drink. Energy drinks can pack as much sugar as six doughnuts, while catnaps are always calorie-free.

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